OCEAN-POTION is an innovative organic booster that offers a multitude of benefits for plant growth. OCEAN-POTION is expertly crafted from algal and kelp sources, providing a rich source of Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, and an array of trace minerals in forms that are highly bioavailable. Its unique formula includes a kelp-derived carbohydrate blend that effectively chelates nutrients, enhancing the bioavailability of organic nutrition while also nourishing soil microbes.
Designed for use alongside our AQUA-MARINE Fertilizer to provide a complete - soluble - N.P.K & Trace mineral package that is easy to use and grows great plants (perfect in our GRO-DIRT Living Super Soils!)
How Does It Work?
OCEAN-POTION makes nutrients more available and useable by the plant, providing trace minerals essential to proper nutrient utilization - this is provided in tandem with a range of premium, naturally derived ingredients, that further enhance the bioavailability of all organic nutrition present in the soil.
Many Cal/Mag products are based on Nitrates, which although they do provide a quick green up, they can also blowtorch your microbes - or at least render them dormant. The unique sources in OCEAN-POTION are carefully chosen to work with your soil biology, while providing stunning benefits in growth and health through roots-to-shoots stimulation of your plants.
Developed in conjunction with local growers, and field tested under an exhaustive array of conditions. Test growers have reported rapid increases in both vertical and lateral growth, large, "jurassic" like leaves, sick plants "comin back from the dead" with stark increases in vigor & yield, coupled with a seeming bulletproof immunity to common garden pests like mites and thrips.
Run OCEAN-POTION at the Maintenance dose on a regular basis for continued top up nutrition throughout the crop cycle or dose them harder at the More Power Dosage to correct deficiencies or for Cal/Mag hungry cultivars.
It's a potent plant potion straight from the ocean that's sure to set your plants in motion!
What's In It?
- Calcium - Magnesium - Iron - & the full suite of trace minerals derived from micronized Algal Kelp sources. This extremely fine, highly vesicled source is rapidly assimilated by microbes and made available to plants, in addition to performing soil PH buffering functions.
- Kelp derived complex carbohydrates including Mannitol, Mannose, Galactose & Alginate. These sources not only feed the microbial species that in turn feed your plants - they also perform nutrient chelation functions, making fertilizer more bioavailable.
- High levels of organically derived Cytokines, Growth factors, Phytostimulants & Alginic Acid boost growth, flowering & root system efficiency for supercharged plants that grow faster & yield more.
- Improved levels of Jasmonic Acid production & increased plant immunity through Chitin pathway signaling, resulting in bomb proof plants that yield sticker - more resinous flowers.
Maintenance Dose (Low Tide): 1 Scoop / 2.5g per 10L
More Power Dose (High Tide): 2 Scoops / 5g per 10L
OCEAN-POTION was designed to be utilized alongside our AQUA-MARINE grow & bloom formulas - but can be used standalone to correct nutrient deficiencies, boost plant health and quality.
OCEAN-POTION acts as a "B" portion to your soluble liquid feeds - adding complimentary growth/yield enhancement, Trace minerals, micronutrients & soil buffering. These two products acting in tandem form a synergistic and complete, soil-safe soluble fertilizer.
- For more frequent feeding (multiple weekly dosages) and routine top ups, we recommend using the MAINTENANCE DOSAGE. This will aid in nutrient uptake while providing a steady, and immediately absorbable trickle of nutrition. For growers using smaller containers this is a game changer, allowing for much larger plants to be grown, in much smaller pots - organically!
- The MORE POWER DOSAGE can be employed for plants that are showing signs of common trace mineral deficiencies, as stand alone nutrition, and plants that need help with recovery or just need a solid kick in the A*s. Apply 2 to 4 times a week (as dictated by your watering cycle) until improvement is shown, then you can back down to the MAINTENANCE DOSAGE.
- Simultaneous use with ANTI-MATTER has shown considerable additive benefits.
- OCEAN-POTION is able to be seamlessly stacked for even greater efficacy with RHIZO-MOJO for added solubilization and availability.
- Concurrent use with HERB-SUPERB Organic Plant Superfood & STONE-AGE Mineral Composite, especially in GRO-DIRT Lite or ISLAND-BLEND, has demonstrated a large amount of synergy resulting in supercharged plants!
- for stressed plants, applying simultaneously with GREEN-SUPREME Plant Vitality Tonic will add complementary benefits and hasten plant turnaround.